Donnie Darko- This is the shot which is going through a "wormhole" It is a very fast paced shot where the camera moves forward very quickly. We wanted to have this sort of shot which did not involve a character.
Lara- We matched this shot by using the Pentax to capture the amount of detail and then in post production combined it with a fast and slow shots. This is a great shot because we wanted to show the location we were shooting in. We added this shot when we got to the location because we felt it would be perfect to really show the location of the film. It was covered with horrible dust and old farming machinery, a perfect location for a horror film.

The Woman in Black – Here we can see a scary ghost like character become visible over the shoulder of the main protagonist Daniel Radclyffe. In the clip the shot moves closer to the character as the ghost moves closer and closer towards the character. It then cuts to another title sequence.
Lara- We choose to mirror this scene in a two shot. The camera is held up from the floor as though It had been dropped. Then it is put into a position in which we see our main character on the right and our ghost on the left in the corner. This shot is shown for about 2 seconds when there is a reaction shot from all the characters before the camera is dropped again in it slide onto another sequence.

The Blair Witch Project- This is a famous shot in where the main protagonist is declaring a message to her family because she thinks she is about to die. Here we see a extreme close up with a handheld camera.
Lara- We thought that this shot would be a good way to show are main character. It is also using a handheld camera and shows our main character in full view. We wanted to show our whole character and not an extreme close-up.

The Strangers - In this shot the main protagonist is stood in her kitchen when the evil character walks into shot without the character noticing. This is an unusual shot in the sense that it shows the murderer but he is not giving in action, just simply starring at the main character.
Lara- This shot shows two of our characters. It originally started as a two shot but we can see Lara in the background. It pans slightly to get both Lara and the two characters in shot. The characters turn and react to the fact that Lara is just starting at them.

The Grudge- Here we see a shot of the main evil character. It shows such things as what she is wearing aswell is her face and her make up. This gives the audience a chance to see what they need to look out for in future and also what the movie itself has been about.
Lara- Here is a close up of Lara. This shot is a handheld shot where the character is holding the camera and he moves from side to side as if trying to look both ways. In the 3rd turn we see a quick shot of Lara before the camera is dropped. The shot of Lara is about 1 second long.

Saw- Dr. Godon one of the main characters of the Saw film has just cut of his foot in order for himself to be able to escape. We can see the blood running from his legs as the shot pans from bottom to top. This shot would most likely be a dolly shot on a tram as it moves forward as Dr. Godon crawls.
Lara- We decided to have a long wide shot of the character (dan) crawling from one side of the frame to the other. The shot is faded in slowly and Dan is already mid-crawl.
Saw- This is almost the same shot as the other but so is the shot we chose. It is a different angle than the previous shot. In this one we see a reaction shot from Dr. Gordon as he has just cut of his leg. Here we can see how bruised and unhealthy he looks.
Lara- This is a closer shot of Dan crawling. It is a handheld shot but with the Pentax - k7. Our more sophisticated camera. It picks up more detail and we used this with shots that could not possible be handheld. The cinematography in this shot is beautiful as it highlights lots of shadows which gives a overall grimy feel to the film.
Signs- This is one of the most recognised shots in the film. We see the alien in a different location on the planet to where the film is set. This shows how the aliens are everywhere and not just in the main location of the film, giving a sense of perspective. The alien walks from one side of the frame to the other. This gives us a small glimpse of alien.
Lara- This is a shot that follows the previous one. Dan has just crawled across this frame and now we see Lara following him. She is walking and not running, taking her time and clearly not in any rush. We felt that the shot needed a little something. So we zoomed in and out while the shot was being filmed; then during post production we manipulated that zoom buy skipping little bits of the shot giving it a sort of jagged feel.
The Shining- This is clearly a reaction shot. The main character is huddled in a corner and screaming out of fear. She looks as "Johnny" breaks through the door. This is an excellent wide shot and possible one of the most famous shots of all time.
Lara- We chose to put our character in the corner aswell but decided that there should not be any purpose, such as he should not be being attacked in anyway. So this is a basic shot just showing a scared character.
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