Results for
Questionnaire for audience feedback
16 Females
13 Males
7 15 year olds
4 16 year olds
6 17 year olds
11 18 year olds
1 35 year old
Do you study media
22 Yes
6 No
Genre of films you enjoy
the most?
14 Horror
15 Comedy
8 Romantic
1 Sci-fi
3 Drama
5 Other
Do you really think the
soundtrack matched the genre well?
27 Yes
1 No
Did you enjoy the
27 Yes
1 No - too scary
Do you think this
trailer shows typical conventions of a horror genre?
27 Yes
1 No - too much of Lara
Does the trailer remind
you of any other film?
7 Paranormal activity
7 Blair witch project - use of handheld
1 grudge
1 Friday the 13th
5 The ring
1 The ward
8 No
3 The Woman in black
What did you feel was
the most effective shot in the film?
7 Beginning walking down the stairs
3 Lara walking across the shot after
12 Lara behind josh - fast editing
2 Ollie rocking back and forth
1 Josh speaking
1 When the camera is dropped
2 Crawling
Does the storyline
interest you?
25 Yes
3 No
Do the characters feel
like they are a stereotype to the genre?
25 Yes
2 No
1 Not sure
How effective is the
combination of our trailer and ancillary texts (poster and magazine
Would look better in black and white
Music too obvious
Color poster, black and white film
Shows a lot of the story line
Font hard to read/understand
Good editing on film and poster
A picture of Lara may work.
of Audience feedback
We set a series of
questions, some with simple answers and others which would be very beneficial to
us. We had a fairly evenly sexed group, 13 males and 16 females; along with this
we had a great difference in age, ranging from 15-18; however we had a lot more
18 year old’s watching us.
We also had an audience that had media experience
with most of the audience (79%) having studied the subject before. We then
started to ask more questions that we felt would benefit us more, we asked “What
is your favorite genre of film that you enjoy the most?” We were hoping that we
would have a mostly horror favored audience as we wanted the audience that were
watching our trailer to understand horror and enjoy it; this would mean that
they would give us a great feedback for our trailer. The results are as
Unfortunately you
can see here that Comedy was the most favored choice of genre among our
audience. However horror is not far behind, losing by only
So far we know
about our (typical) audience is that they are female, 18, study media and enjoy
comedy and horror films. We felt that this was the evidence we needed to provide
us with a solid foundation on which to gather evidence about our trailer. We
started to ask more serious questions about our
The next three questions results will be shown in
charts and then I will summarize the evidence.

This was an outstanding showing of how well our
trailer had done, in each question there was only 1 no response, those audience
members did actually say why they said no. When asked did you enjoy the trailer,
one person said no because they felt that it was “too scary” which to us sounds
more like a win. Another audience member was asked “do you think this trailer
shows typical conventions of a horror genre?” and responded no because they felt
that there was “too much of Lara” we felt that showing Lara would be a bit of a
curve ball because in many horror films the main evil character is not shown.
However in the latest film “Insidious” horror characters are in fact show in the
trailer, this scared us both so we felt that it was a new way in which we could
try and scare our audience, which is what a horror film is meant to
We felt that knowing if the trailer reminded any
audience member of another film then this could be interesting, we felt this
because we tried to make some shots look like one’s out of other horror films.
The results were as followed.
There were three
people that mentioned; The Grudge, Friday the 13th and The Ward once
respectively but I felt that they did not have as much of an effect as the other
Most people (27%) thought that the trailer did not
remind them of any other film but “The Blair Witch Project” and “Paranormal
Activity” both had 23% which is great because this was the sort of look that we
wanted, they said that the trailer reminded them of that film the most because
of the use of handheld cameras, which was one of the camera techniques we used.
The Ring was also picked, we put this down to the way Lara was dressed and the
way her hair was styled, as we did take “Samara” from The Ring as inspiration
for the way we styled Lara. The Woman in Black was also picked, we thought this
was because of one type of shot that we decided to use. This is great because
that specific shot was one that we chose to try and match a specific shot in The
Woman in Black.
We wanted to find out which specific shot’s worked
well aswell:
The most popular shot was when Lara was hiding
behind Josh (44%) , when the other characters notice her and they spin round. We
felt that this was the most likely shot to be in a horror trailer. This is
because it raises tension and surprises the audience. This is the shot that we
matched to The Woman in Black. Walking down the stairs (26%) was a shot that we
used with our Pentax K-7 camera, our camera that we used to create cinematic
styled shots, we are happy that this shot was the 2nd most popular shot because
it shows that our mix of handheld camera’s and cameras that capture the most
detail, confirming our distinct style of filming as a success. Lara walking
across the frame was also using our Pentax K-7, this is a fairly artistic shot
that we did a lot of editing on. While filming we zoomed in slowly and then out
again slowly. In editing, we cut little seconds of the shot so it looks like the
camera skips back and fourth quickly, while zooming in and out, this shows how
Lara may be able to skip through time, it also shows a dramatic styled shot.
Other shots were popular, but the chosen three really showed how well our ideas
paid off.
We can see here that the storyline looked
interesting, which meant that the trailer was well put together, including being
able to show the storyline well. Being able to sell the audience is one of the
main intensions of a trailer and I think we can say that it worked
We wanted to know what the audience felt about the
characters in the trailer, we were not expecting much because the actors we used
were our friends, not amazing a-list actors.
However the characters did manage to look like they
were acting in a horror film. We think that Abbey who played Lara did really
well and looked like a proper evil horror character. Some people said no or did
not want to respond, this may because they did no understand the question.
However the people did not think the characters acted like they were in a horror
film, which we can’t please everyone if we don’t have proper
After the questionnaire we asked about our poster
and our magazine cover, we also wanted just general questions.
Some people found the ancillary texts confusing as
they felt it did not work well along with the trailer, aswell as this we learnt
something that originally did not cross our mind, the trailer and poster did not
match because the trailer was in black and white and the poster was in hard,
edited color, we thought about if we should change this at all but decided
against it because we felt both were strong as a separate and not as a whole, if
we put one in color or one in black in white it would have made the trailer or
ancillary text not look aswell as it could. Some people found the texts hard to
read and others felt there was good editing on both the trailer and
The most common response was that the combination of
the trailer and ancillary texts was very effective, which we look at as a
Overall we learnt a lot about our trailer, but most
of our predictions were right we felt that the music would be popular. We also
thought that The Ring, The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity and The
Woman in Black would be mentioned by the audience. We did think however more
people would be reminded by our trailer of another film.
We are very happy with the response and think that
our audience response and a success.
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