Here are some screen grabs of the media technologies that we used in the evaluation stages. These include, YouTube, Twitter, Blogger and Facebook. Both Twitter, Facebook and YouTube were all used in trying to gain recognition for our film trailer. We uploaded our trailer onto YouTube first, and then we pasted the link onto both Facebook and Twitter, explaining what the link was. The aim in this was to try and get the views on our trailer to increase, which we thought would be a high possibility if we posted the link onto Facebook specifically. We suspected that we’d get more views after sharing the link on Facebook because between the two of us we have around 1000 friends on facebook, resulting in a higher chance of getting people to see the trailer. We also decided to ‘tag’ everybody that was involved in the trailer (the actors) so that the link would also appear on their Facebook pages, meaning again, the link would be accessible to more people. Blogger has been used throughout the production of our trailer, mostly being used to publish posts with research, analysis and progression of our trailer.
These are a few screen grabs of media technologies that we used in the construction and research stages. YouTube, IMDB and Google Images were all used for research, helping us to get inspiration and looking at similar conventions of trailers with the same genre as ours. YouTube and IMDB were both used for viewing trailers from the genre ‘horror, assisting us on deciding which conventions we were going to use in our trailer. Google Images was mainly used to find examples of movie magazine covers and film posters, resulting in us analysing them for typical conventions, and then putting these into practice when creating our own magazine cover and film poster. iMovie was used in actually creating and constructing our trailer together, resulting in us being able to choose from a range of effects and editing techniques to develop the final product. iMovie made it possible for us to incorporate the grainy, high contrast effect to our trailer, which we felt really added to the horror genre by creating an eerie atmosphere. To create the soundtrack for our trailer, I used a programme called Garageband. This allowed me to design my own sound, and really match it to the mood of the trailer. I knew that I didn’t want a piece of music, I wanted to create something that used sound effects, so Garageband was perfect in this sense. I used Microsoft Word in creating the magazine cover. It had all the facilities that I needed in making the cover, and was very easy to use. I used a website called to download the font for the title of the magazine cover, which was perfect for allowing me to choose an ideal font from the vast amount that they had. We used both the Flip Camera and the Pentax K-7 to film our trailer. The Flip Camera was used for the handheld shots to give a sense of realism to our trailer. We were inspired by this affect which was used in The Blair Witch Project therefore we decided to incorporate it into our trailer. We used the Pentax K-7 which is a normal SLR digital camera, however it also has a video recording device. This helped us to create shots that were better quality than the flip camera.
Both me and Max communicated via facebook chat throughout the process of getting our Trailer to be seen by the public.
1) Stats before sharing on social networking sites.
You can see that we only had 7 Lifetime views on the video. This may have been through links in our other work, such as teachers having a look for the first time.
2)We shared a link to YouTube on Facebook. Max tagged Me, Josh, Ollie, Dan and Abbey to the link because it will then be posted onto their Facebook pages, so more people will see it, this will give is a “big bang” launch.

So these were the results after the link was publicised onto Facebook. On the far right is the image of what the link looked like on the "News Feed" of facebook. On the far left is my Facebook profile with the link and in the middle is my Facebook page with the link.
The link was posted onto face book at 20:12 PM, Max and myself decided to refresh everything including the link on YouTube as well as activity on Facebook every 10 mins and record the activity.
At 20:20pm there was a comment on Facebook on the link.
3) 20:22 Pm 108 people are now on Facebook and the YouTube has had 22 views in total, 15 since it was posted.
You can see that there has been a very small increase, but this is because of the amount of people that are online. A lot of people are sharing links and status's, which means that it is just too hard to get as much publicity we would like.
At 20:29pm there was a comment on Youtube on the video itself.

At 20:31pm Following Anneka's comment on Facebook, three other people have "Liked" the link, which would spread onto their Facebook pages, getting more publicity for the link.

20:32pm: 100 views, 29 views. Despite all the further publicity the YouTube video has only increased by 7 views.
At 20:36pm because of Anneka's earlier her comment, following all the other activity it has now be automatically "re-shared" without me being able to do anything about it. This is called "trending" which is where people purposely automatically spread a link, picture or comment throughout the internet, this can be on a small scale such as ours or the famous Kony video, where the video reached 70 million views in 5 days.

At 20:40 We took advantage of the amount of people online by "re-posting" the link, this will hit a wave of people who have just come online. On Facebook, it is important to remain at the top of the "Newsfeed" when sharing something.

20:42pm 108 people online 31 views. We can see that there has been a small rise in people viewing the video. We decided to leave the video alone for 10 mins, not sharing anything, just letting the buzz speak for itself.
20:52 100 people online and 31 views. There has been no views which means that Facebook is starting to dry up, which would be a great time to post to Twitter. It may also be because YouTube cannot keep up with the amount of "Traffic" that it is getting, meaning it is not getting enough time to process the views into the statistics.
At 20:53 We posted the link onto Max's Twitter.

This should show the link to more people and getting more views. We also used my twitter by tagging me in the link, this will then show on my Twitter page.
At 20:56pm We received a comment on Facebook. This shows that the link is still getting publicity from Facebook. Sorry for the swearing!

21:02pm there has been no changes in the amount of views, which is impossible seeing as we have had a comment from James, this means that YouTube is not keeping up with the statistics. We decided to leave everything for 20 mins. This will give YouTube the time to catch up.
21:22Pm 80 people online. 34 views. There has been a small change, which may be the possible end result for the amount of views it may get as the number of people online on Facebook is starting to reduce as the time goes on. This is a good sign to leave it for tonight and check the final, totalled statistics tomorrow after all the "buzz" and "traffic" has died.
At 21:38 pm We received a comment on the link from Facebook.

At this point Max logged off Facebook and Twitter and will now look at all the links and all the statistics.
22:21pm (The next day, over 24 hours has passed)
Facebook. More comments have been added to the link.
YouTube Statistics -
We can see that the lifetime views up to this point is 73 views. This makes me think that we received most of these views yesterday and not overnight, this is because we think that YouTube could not keep up with the sudden traffic it received from the link, only after can we see the whole effects of the publicity from the video.
We can see that more females saw the link than males. As well as this we had more people looking at the video, from outside of YouTube, basically from our links.
One thing that is interesting in this process is that I have only posted the link on my Facebook twice and only on Twitter once, yet we have managed to increase the views from 7 to 73.
It is the input from other people with comments and sharing that got it to that level.